Sunday, December 22, 2013

Sunday, just keep swimming

Well, it has been quite the week! I did finally get some exercise, but not before being called on my lazy butt-itude by Ron. Thanks, Ron.

I cleaned the house on Saturday morning in preparation for the homecoming of my wonderful child, who has been gone for 2 years. I love that kid. He has truly grown into a man and I am overwhelmed at the intelligence and amazing maturity he is showing every day. He constantly amazes me and I am grateful to have him around and will be sad to see him off to college when he has to go home. I will hoarde every moment I can with him. Said house-cleaning left me quite sore. Legs especially, arms from all the scrubbing and oh, my feet! Today, we went shopping and walked extensively around Best Buy and Costco, which I am totally counting. So, two out of three days down, and I just have to get on the treadmill tomorrow to make the movement goal for the weekend! 

Next on the list was planning the meals. That will be a difficult one this week due to the kid being here and Christmas, but I am going to take a shot at it tomorrow evening. I am fortunate to be off work until the day after Christmas, which is great, I think my brain needed a break. I had a blind spot again this morning. Stupid head and headaches. That's the second one this week. 

I was thinking of working a bit, but I don't think I will until after Christmas. I am on call Christmas Day and my wonderful colleagues have split the week up with me so that I can spend some quality time with the kid. I can't tell you how amazing it is to work in a place that has such an optimistic and team work inspiring atmosphere. I have spoken to so many people who struggle every day with politics and difficulties with colleagues. Mine are wonderful to work with. Maybe I am the difficult one? Oh, I hope not.

My sister has a dog that is sick and may not make it another few days, so I expect to be comforting her tomorrow when the kid and I go to see her and her hubby. Sad, but then again, I am lucky to live close enough to be able to go see her and be there for her. I am glad for this.

So, the theme for this week is short term struggles and long term successes. I guess it comes down to what Dori said in Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming."

1. Physical: 10 minutes on the treadmill on all days off (or equivalent movement)
2. Nutrition: Plan meals and shop for food (this is much bigger than it sounds)
3. Writing: Get to 200,000 words. 

I have written about 2000 words so far this week, which isn't bad. I have a pretty clean house which is nice, and should keep me on track for more writing. I am at a total of about 194,000 for the year. Six thousand is really not many words. I could do that all in a day. Let's see if I can do it before next check in an Wednesday!

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1 comment:

  1. Oh, Rebecca.... I LOVED reading about the wonderful work environment you have (I hope that you didn't get called in on Christmas). As you say, so many people seem to have problems with their coworkers; it's nice to hear the opposite perspective.

    And a nice word count here so far... It's hard to get a good 200K in for lot of people. You've done it. Congrats.

    May your new year bring you more joy and comfort. And may your sister's dog sleep peacefully when it happens...
