Wednesday, December 4, 2013

First ROW80 post

So excited to try the ROW80 challenge. My WriYe goal for the year was 250,000 words and I'm at 188,000. So, this month I am not going to get my goal, but, I am excited that since it is my first year really attempting to write anything, I am going to finish up somewhere in the 200,000+ word general area. Not bad for a first attempt.

So, my goal for this week, since this is a mid-week check-in:
1. Write 1000 words a day on Thursday and Sunday and Monday.
I have a Christmas party on Friday, have to go on an 8 hour+ car trip on Saturday (to pick up my son, yay!) and can't plan on writing those days. Today was brute at work, didn't get home until after 8. Boy, did 10 (bedtime) come fast!

Starting small, let's see how it goes.
Have a great week, everyone!

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  1. Welcome to AROW80! I just joined for the first time last week (my blog is at -- for some reason Blogger does not like my Open ID, so I'm using my Google account). I've found the community to be very welcoming and friendly and I'm greatly enjoying having the chance to talk to writers from around the world. Congratulations on making it to 180K so far and good luck making it to 200K!

  2. Thanks, dunmurderin, I am excited to become a real writer, with writing every day instead of only three months out of the year. This is going to be really good for me!

  3. Welcome to ROW80! I hope you made your writing goal this week. :D You won't find a better group of supportive writers. They are so wonderful!

  4. Thank you, Dawn, so far, so good, and getting excited about a new story!
