I was aiming for 500-1000 words a day, but it turns out, if I like my story and have an idea of what to write, I can get upwards of 10,000 in a day. Most days, I can write a good 3000 words. That is so exciting.
So, I wrote over 60,000 words this month and my goal for next month?
-I am going to rewrite my 2013 NaNo novel. It has good bones, surprisingly. Since I have been focusing on writing better stories, I think I can rewrite this in the next month and have it end up something I can be proud of. Maybe even think about publishing. At least for my family and friends.
-More specifically, I plan on 10,000 words each week. I think I can do this with the momentum I have been gathering with NaNo. I met the 50,000 word goal in 13 writing days. I finished on the 23rd of November. Personal best this year!
More importantly, I am starting to walk/run regularly again. I have done twice this week. I would like to walk/run at least three days a week. There. It's out there.
My favorite line so far of the rewrite. It is not quite polished, but it surprised me when it happened.
“She is choosing something other than you to help her through her own sorrow,” Grace said. “When someone chooses something other than family to turn to in time of turmoil, it is hard to understand. Not understanding makes us mad sometimes. Sad other times. You don’t get to decide how you feel about it, but you have to admit to yourself how you feel before you can move on. Forgive yourself for the feelings you feel guilty about before you can forgive the other person for creating those feelings in you in the first place.” Grace said.
Needs some reworking, but I love the sentiment.
Happy December ROW80 writers!